

Instructions: Indicate your choices on the line to the right of each question. Answer each one quickly and in order without giving them a lot of thought. Return this to: for scoring.


1. I like having:____________
A. One art project at a time going.
B. I often start a second project before the first is done.
C. No preference

2. I like to solve problems:____________
A. By working hard on them.
B. Playfully experimenting.
C. No preference

3. I am:________
A. Quite inventive
B. Never inventive
C. Occassionally inventive

4. I prefer:________
A. Essay questions
B. Multiple choice questions.
C. Either is fine.

5. I remember best:________
A. Faces.
B. Names.
C. Both equally well.

6. I like to use:________
A. The proper material to do an art project.
B. What ever I have handy.
C. A little of both

7. I read poetry:________
A. A lot.
B. Seldom.
C. Occassionally

8. I prefer classes wherein I learn:__________
A. Things to be used later.
B. Things I can use right now.
C. A little of both.

9. I prefer classes taught by:________
A. Experts.
B. Allowing a hands-on approach.
C. A little of both.

10. To relax I would rather:_______
A. Read.
B. Watch TV.
C. Either or both.

11. I am:__________
A. Not good at body language.
B. An expert on body language.
C. Sometimes I'm good at body language.

12. I prefer classes:___________-
A. Giving one assignement at a time.
B. With several projects up and running at once.
C. Both ways.

13. I am:_______
A. Not good at telling jokes.
B. A real stand-up comedian.
C. I'm okay telling jokes part of the time.

14. I best express my feeling:________
A. In poetry and songs.
B. Plain language
C. Both.

15. I prefer classes that are:____________
A. Open to change as they progress.
B. Carefully planned from the beginning.
C. Either is okay.

16. I like to:______
A. Guess and play hunches.
B. Know the facts first.
C. A little of both.

17. I would rather:_________
A. Talk and write.
B. Draw and manipulate things.
C. Both.

18. I prefer to learn:______
A. Only the facts about something.
B. Ponder the unknown factors.
C. Both.

19. When I start painting:______
A. I have a detailed drawing.
B. I have no drawing.
C. Sometimes I have a drawing, sometimes not.

20. I respond best to people asking for help:_________
A. When they appeal to my feelings.
B. Present the facts in the case.
C. Either.

21. I solve problems best using:___________
A. My gut feelings.
B. Logic.
C. Both.

22. When I am away from home:___________
A. I get lost easily.
B. I have a good sense of direction.
C. Sometimes have problems getting lost.

23. When I read, I like to:_______________
A. Analyize the content.
B. Put together new ideas beyond the content.
C. I sometimes do both.

24. I like a teacher who:________
A. Works with me individually
B. Explains things to the entire class.
C. No preference really.

25. I feel I am:_______________
A. Intellectual
B. Intuitive
C. About equal

26. I like:_________
A. Lots of details on a subject.
B. A general overview about a subject.
C. Both.

27. When I look at a painting:_______
A. I like to know the title and artist.
B. I seldom notice the title or artist.
C. I sometimes seek out the title and artist.

28. I remember best:__________
A. Things I've studied.
B. Things I've learned in general.
C. I've not noticed any difference here.

29. When I think:_______
A. Use words to form ideas.
B. Use images to form ideas.
C. Both ways.

30. If I encounter a problem with a painting I:________
A. Go hunting for a book dealing with the problem.
B. Seek the help of others.
C. Either one.

31. I like best to see:________
A. A finished painting.
B. A work in progress.
C. Both are intersting.

32. I like:__________
A. Jigsaw puzzles best.
B. Crossword puzzles best.
C. Either or neither.

33. I like best to read:___________
A. Realistic fiction.
B. Fantasy tales.
C. Both are okay.

34. I like material:__________
A. Summarized.
B. Outlined.
C. Either one.

35. I would rather pet a:_______
A. Dog.
B. Cat.
C. Either or neither.

36. I like best to read:
A. Fiction.
B. Non-fiction
C. Either is okay.

37. In a counseling session, I would prefer:__________
A. Individual couseling.
B. Group counseling.
C. Either one is okay.

38. I am:________-
A. Seldom moody.
B. Have frequent mood changes.
C. A little of both.

39. I prefer:________-
A. Oral instructions
B. Written instructions.
C. Either or both.

40. I am:________
A. Seldom late for an appointment.
B. Usually late for everything.
C. Sometimes late.

41. I would rather draw from:________
A. A photo.
B. An actual object.

42. I would rather:________
A. Copy a picture.
B. Make up my own picture.
C. No preference.

43. I would rather:______
A. Invent something.
B. Improve something.
C. Either would be fun.

44. I study best:________
A. In a quiet environment.
B. With music
C. Either is okay.

45. I like best to:__________
A. Plan realistically.
B. Dream.
C. Both from time to time.

46. I prefer a vacation with:_________
A. A firm itinerary.
B. Totally unstructured.
C. Either one is okay.

47. I am best in remembering:_______
A. The title of a painting.
B. The painting itself.
C. Both.

48. I did best in:__________
A. Algebra.
B. Geometry.
C. Both equally well.

49. I like to:____________
A. Plan my day carefully in the morning.
B. Just do whatever I have time for.
C. A little of both.

50. When I started taking this test:_______
A. I looked over the whole thing first.
B. I just started answering the questions at the beginning.
C. I peeked just a little.

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